Electronic Design

Electronic Design with NTI

Electronic design is an integral part of any electronic products in today’s market. The right design, whether complex or complicated, may determine to future of the product you want to manufacture. The designing field is a developing one and NTI aims to be more and more professional with all parameters and required means to fulfill any electronic design complicated and complex requirements, in maximum simplicity and efficiency.


Electronic designs with NTI

If it is a new product you want to manufacture, re-new existing one, use more advanced technology or face a design difficulty, don’t lose your hope! NTI has many years of experience with electronic design. In our company all designs are being made in a professional manner and under international standardization for all our clients such as:

  • Military/security industry
  • Aviation industry
  • Hospitals and medical centers
  • Companies and businesses

Thanks to many years of experience, we can provide you with the very best design specifically for you, such a designing experience enables us to provide you a product which is both efficient and cost-effective.


The electronic design services workflows

NTI perform electronic design for all digital and electronic product, even those that had already been developed and found manufacturing or post-manufacturing malfunctions.

Professional electronic design requires planning, correct and proper specification and workflows, in order to guarantee maximal design which makes all products manufactured by NTI with exceptional visuality and electronic abilities.

We pay attention for the design’s needs and requirements for either visuality or functionality.

We set efficient workflows that include fast timing, inspection and control throughout the entire process, which are performed by qualified team.


Smart design = perfect product, electric design with NTI

New products require great design knowledge already in their early steps.

A smart design, such as the one provided by NTI, is being provided to the largest entities in today’s market. Such a design guarantees NTI’s clients long term successes while putting many efforts in connection with:

  • Advanced design
  • Economical design
  • Avoiding fails and malfunctions caused by incorrect electronic design
  • Fast and precise results

NTI can guarantee all the above-mentioned, thanks to experienced and qualified developers and engineers that are aware to all existing limitations and techniques.


NTI perform professional and experienced mechanical electronic design

NTI has designers and engineers that successfully perform many and various projects that require unusual solutions.

By professional electronic design, we will adjust serial production lines   and by doing so, product process will be more efficient already at the initial planning stage.

NTI manufactures its design electronic products every day and provide excellent successful results in the design area, as well as the developing and commerce areas of traded electronic products in Israel and worldwide.

Printed circuits’ electronic design

Many products require all sort of different applications and components in any area, in a different manner and under different restrictions and limitations.

One of the great advantages for having NTI’s electronic design, is that it provides you with industrial peace of mind.

The company provide great variety of design solutions, knowledge and database, advanced equipment and skillful engineers, in order to guarantee perfect design, from initial developing stage to commercial and profitable products to our many clients.

The field of design is being influenced by technological and electronical innovations. NTI is regularly updated that includes accreditations and training program that ensure high and promising designing standard.

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