Wiring and cables

Advanced cabling and cable wiring solutions in NTI

While issuing cabling and cables wiring solutions projects, you should consult with the most experienced in this field.

NTI has many materials and techniques that provide maximization of electronical products’ performances.

NTI is stringent with procedures and strictly supervise on ongoing inspection for its clients in connection with:

  • Planning
  • Assembling
  • Reverse Engineering
  • Final production of cabling and cables wiring

NTI provides the above-mentioned for all different industries and provide them with not only kind, but also the most professional service.

NTI has the most advanced equipment and provides high-quality end-products with the best results in the electronics filed.

In connection with cabling and cables wiring we provide:

  • Precise calculations
  • Complying with clients most complex requirements and needs
  • Inspections and control in accordance with IPC standards
  • Advanced and innovative electronic arranging
  • Working environment in accordance with ESD standards


Electrical Wiring Interconnect Solutions

A new generation of visibility, design, top class electronic arranging and organizing that comply with international strict standards. This is NTI accurate working model.


Organizing and protecting systems while specializing in EWIS

This stage is one of the production stages in which the abilities and knowledge of the executers are expressed and determine product’s level and performances’ quality.

In the next table, you can notice rich experience and various abilities that successful cabling and cables wiring requires:

Product/ service Details
Installation and assembling Assembling, sub-assembling, all systems


Very thin cables Cables that enable minimizing space when needed, without reducing product’s performances’ quality
Hard working environment Requires durable and reliable cables that provides high-quality performances with no interruptions or malfunctions while keeping their unique features in extreme working environment
Automatic cables


For flexible and random performances or complex torsions that uses robots and manufacturing industry systems
International wiring and cabling systems Making product suitable for international industries
Communication and control cables Requires strong and high-frequency activity for variety of industrial uses


In NTI we keep the systems organized and well-functioned by planning and making accurate adjustments for every product requirement may be put before us. By doing so, we prevent winding and complications or failed touches in product’s components.


NTI is one of the most advanced entities in Israel in connection with the entire EWIS field!


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