Cables and wires cabling and cabling solutions in NTI
NTI has gained a lot pf experience with cables and wires cabling that present one of the greatest cabling solutions abilities. The company has recognized the increasing need of complex system, innovative and complicated, that require speed and credibility. NTI is strict with having each and every project executed on the most professional and accurate manner until meeting client’s full satisfaction.
NTI has great cables and wires cabling and cabling solutions abilities
Its great abilities are expressed in professional team, who is not only accredited, but also kind and works with proper equipment and working environment that enable precision and quality in every project that requires cables and wires cabling that include:
Connectors, boards, adapters, units, jumpers, complicated cables, High speed machines, modular components.
NTI has experience with service and manufacture that enable its clients having high-quality products that combine:
- Materials multiplicity
- Directed and divergent trays
- Integral cabling management
- Easy and convenient access
- High density connection
Proper specification for cables and wires cabling including cabling solutions
For any performance requirement, NTI recruit its entire professional and precise technical abilities, to ensure receiving completed products in high and international standards.
NTI has been producing and performing for many years, cables and wires cabling that enables cabling solutions for the leading companies and industries in the Israeli market, including international companies and entities, by unique and advanced service and performance for: integral and horizontal cabling management, easy and convenient access, high density connection and safe cabling.
Cables and wires cabling area is becoming more competitive and busier, NTI provides with cables and wires cabling solutions many fields such as: industrial, communication, energy systems, electricity, car industry and aviation.
NTI’s clients are satisfied with cables and wires cabling and cabling solutions
All the above-mentioned entities and organizations are strict with the highest performances standards for the products and projects with which they approach NTI for its high-quality services.
Our company has become more and more professional, along the years, with providing unique techniques and solutions that are applications based which are unique for each and every client, or providing client with existing products and tools that are suitable for client’s projects.
We perform all cables and wires cabling projects without compromising high-quality and standards in connection with the followings:
- Raw materials
- Complicated projects
- Complying with clients’ requirements
- Assemble and production, in any scale
- Cabling of all cables and wires (flat, strong, flexible – FFC)
- Performance abilities under marine environment / heat / humidity / extreme changes of temperatures etc.
We are strict with proper working stages and organizing each process or beginning of a project by:
- Raw materials
- Needs/requirements Characterization and specification
- Precise planning
- Inventory management
- Time table Punctuality
NTI performs all cables and wires cabling or cabling solutions projects, dynamically to all its clients.
All services are provided by professional advising and include very experienced wiring staff.
We will be strict with having the proper planning as well as performance control throughout the entire process and provide our clients with their very own best cabling solutions.
Strong base of wires and cables cabling / cabling solutions
NTI implements on an on-going basis, new advanced technologies that enable high-quality and large scaled performances. cables and wires cabling guarantee fast and large cabling solutions that improve and execute advanced and innovative technological products with great durability.